What is a Professional Organizer?

When we need new pot lights in the ceiling, we call an electrician. When the car needs repair, we head to our mechanic. Under what circumstance would you call a Professional Organizer?

A Professional Organizer provides advice, products and/or services to individuals wanting to reduce the stress involved with specific organizing needs. This can be something as straight forward as organizing a closet in a way that helps the client spend less time looking for certain items every morning when they get dressed, to trying to figure out how to move from a 3500 square foot house that’s been home for 35 years to a 900 square foot apartment. In a nutshell, we’re professional problem solvers, as far as the home goes.

A Professional Organizer has taken dedicated training and has passed tests/exams. In addition, most Professional Organizers commit to on-going training and learning through their professional association, such as Professional Organizers in Canada. The Professional Organizer is no different than an electrician or mechanic, they’ve studied their trade and received certification.

There are Professional Organizers with unique specialties. At House ‘n Order, we specialize in downsizing, decluttering, estate clearing, merging households and managed moves. For us, downsizing from 3500 square feet to that apartment is something we’ve helped our clients do over and over again. Organizing that closet is actually fun to us!

Why did we chose this line of work? It’s simple. Our work changes people’s lives.

When a person lives in a space that they find overwhelming, it affects their mood and health. It’s well documented that clutter can exacerbate stress, anxiety, even depression. Often people express feeling drained and overwhelmed. In other cases some may be behind on their payments because the lack of organization means they can’t find the bill to pay it. A cycle of this can lead to other hardships, including decreased credit ratings or denial of service.

Chances are we’ve known someone who has identified they need to move to a retirement community to avail themselves of more personal services. How many have put it off because the idea of downsizing their current home is beyond comprehension?

Now that you know a bit more about what we do, let us add that House ‘n Order is insured, and we’re members in good standing of Professional Organizers in Canada, as well as the Meaford Chamber of Commerce and the Blue Mountain Chambers of Commerce. Further, we are bound by a Professional Code of Ethics.

We provide free consultations in your home so that we can meet you and understand the scope of the work, and your goals. We’re happy to provide you with references too.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or drained – reach out. We want to change your life too.